The Doohoma Peninsula is almost an island, being connected to the mainland of Erris by a narrow isthmus at Geesala through which runs the only access road. Geesala was the setting for J.M. Synge's celebrated Playboy of the Western World.
On the southern shore of the peninsula lies the bright picturesque village or clachan of Doohoma - in Gaelic Du Thuama or more appropriately Dumhaigh Thuama - the sounding sandy banks - for one can hear, almost any night, storm or calm, the sound of the Atlantic breakers crashing on the shore. Apart from the pleasant aspect of Doohoma itself, with its brightly painted cottages there is an impressive panorama of sea, sky and mountain on every side.
To the west about two miles across the bay lies the Mullet Peninsula and the islands of Iniskea and Duvillaun still steeped in mysterious mementos of pre-history. To the south about the same distance is Achill Island with the impressive cliffs of Achill Head and the towering stacks of Sliabh Mor, and Minnaun on the island and Cruachan, with an entrancing view of Croagh Patrick in the distance, and the Ballycroy Nephin Beg Range, on the mainland to the south and east.
At the ferry where two famous salmon rivers, the Owenmore and the Owen Dubh meet the waters of the bay about a dozen boats engage in the net-fishing in the season for wild Atlantic Salmon, and there is a smoked salmon plant in the village, Eagle Isle Seafoods Ltd. which exports extensively to Europe and America.
Lobster and Crab fishing is also carried on at Doohome Head and a number of boats go out line fishing for Mackeral, Pollack and other fish of which there is an abundant supply. Boats are also available complete with skippers for fishing and pleasure trips around the bay.
Adjacent to the strand is a large sports complex with facilities for Gaelic Football, Soccer, open air sports, Pitch and Putt and Picnics. There is also a space beside the sea for caravans and cars.

Doohoma has an extensive and beautiful strand which is never crowded or polluted and is free from any strong currents so is ideal for swimming, paddling and sports such as Surfing and Sailing.